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31 ottobre 2014 5 31 /10 /ottobre /2014 06:58

Terror and Wonder, Terrore e Meraviglia. L'Immaginario gotico in una mostra alla British Library


E' in corso la mostra Terror and Wonder. The Gothic Imagination alla British Library (Londra), sino al prossimo 20 gennaio 2015. E' una mostra che tutti gli appassionati del "Gotico", alla radici della moderna letteratura horror, dovrebbe visitare, soprattutto per la ricchezza dei reperti iconografici esposti, ma anche per il catalogo che è possibile acquistare (ma lo si può fare anche online), curato da Dale Townshend, con i contributi dei maggiori studiosi contemporanei del Gotico.

Terror and Wonder, Terrore e Meraviglia. L'Immaginario gotico in una mostra alla British LibraryTwo hundred rare objects trace 250 years of the Gothic tradition, exploring our enduring fascination with the mysterious, the terrifying and the macabre
From Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker to Stanley Kubrick and Alexander McQueen, via posters, books, films - and even a vampire-slaying kit - experience the dark shadow the Gothic imagination has cast across film, art, music, fashion, architecture and our daily lives.
Beginning with Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto, Gothic literature challenged the moral certainties of the 18th century. By exploring the dark romance of the medieval past with its castles and abbeys, its wild landscapes and fascination with the supernatural, Gothic writers placed imagination firmly at the heart of their work - and our culture.
Iconic works, such as handwritten drafts of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the modern horrors of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and the popular Twilight series, highlight how contemporary fears have been addressed by generation after generation.
Terror and Wonder presents an intriguing glimpse of a fascinating and mysterious world. Experience 250 years of Gothic’s dark shadow.

Per saperne di più, vai al sito web.


Win a holiday in Transylvania. Delve into the history surrounding Vlad the Impaler - the inspiration behind Bram Stoker’s Dracula. To celebrate Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination we have teamed up with Regent Holidays to offer you the chance to win a tour retracing the life of this historical figure. Enter the competition


Free workshops for students. Workshops will support the delivery of English and Art at Key Stages 3- 5.
The exhibition also includes treasures from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein manuscript, work by William Blake and a Victorian vampire slaying kit. Per saperne di più

Il Catalogo. The Gothic imagination, that dark predilection for horrors and terrors, spectres and sprites, occupies a prominent place in contemporary Western culture.
Gothic literature began as a challenge to the rational certainties of the Enlightenment. By exploring the harsh romance of the medieval past with its ruined castles and abbeys, its wild landscapes and fascination with the supernatural, Gothic writers placed imagination firmly at the heart of their work.
The Gothic has continued to haunt literature, fine art, music, film and fashion ever since its heyday in Britain in the 1790s. This book, which accompanies a major exhibition at the British Library, traces the numerous meanings and manifestations of the Gothic across time, tracking its shifts and mutations from its eighteenth-century origins, through the Victorian period, and into the present day.
Through 150 objects – including manuscripts, paintings, film clips and posters – Terror and Wonder explores all aspects of the Gothic world. Iconic works, including Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the sinister fairy tales of Angela Carter and the modern horrors of Clive Barker, highlight the ways in which contemporary fears have been addressed by successive generations of Gothic writers. Other rare and fascinating exhibits, including hitherto overlooked manuscripts and even a real-life vampire-slaying kit, add colour and drama to the story.
Edited and introduced by Dale Townshend, and with original essays by major scholars of the Gothic, Terror and Wonder provides a compelling and comprehensive overview of the Gothic imagination over the past 250 years.


  1. Dale Townshend, Introduction
  2. Nick Groom, Gothic Antiquity: From the Sack of Rome to The Castle of Otranto
  3. Angela Wright, Gothic, 1764-1820
  4. Alexandra Warwick, Gothic, 1820-1880
  5. Andrew Smith, Gothic and the Victorian fin de siecle, 1880-1900
  6. Lucie Armitt, Twentieth-Century Gothic
  7. Catherine Spooner, Twenty-First Century Gothic
  8. Martin Parr, Photographing Goths: Martin Parr at the Whitby Goth Weekend


About the editor. The editor, Dale Townshend, is Senior Lecturer in Gothic and Romantic Literature at the University of Stirling, Scotland. His most recent publications include The Gothic World (with Glennis Byron; Routledge, 2014) and Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic (with Angela Wright; Cambridge University Press, 2014).


Alcuni pareri sulla mostra

The Independent. The exhibition also includes treasures from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein manuscript, work by William Blake and a Victorian vampire slaying kit.

Daily Mail. Also on show are gothic-inspired fashion by Alexander McQueen and a series of pictures by photographer Martin Parr taken during the regular gathering of goths in Whitby, in north Yorkshire
The Guardian.Terror and Wonder: the Gothic Imagination is UK’s largest exhibition devoted to the literature of fear, blood and darkness
BBC Entertainment and arts. The show's curator says amid the gore and the chills, Gothic writing has always had a streak of irony and humour.



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Era diventato davvero troppo dispendioso in termini di tempi richiesti alimentarli entrambi, anche perchè nati per caso, mentre armeggiavo - ancora alle prime armi - per creare un blog, me li ero ritrovati ambedue, benchè la mia idea originaria fosse stata quella di averne uno solo. Infatti, non a caso, le loro intestazioni erano abbastanza simili: creatone uno - non ricordo quale dei due per primo - lo ho "perso" (per quanto strano ciò possa sembrare) e mi diedi alacremente da fare per ricrearne uno nuovo. Qualche tempo - nel frattempo ero divenuto più bravino - il blog perso me lo ritrovai).

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Con overblog ho trovato una "casa" che mi sembra sicuramente più soddisfacente e così, dopo molte esitazioni, mi sono deciso a fare il grande passo del trasloco, non senza un certo dispiacere, perchè il cambiamento induce sempre un po' di malinconia e qualche nostalgia.

E quindi ora eccomi qua.

E quello che ho fatto - ciò mi consola molto - rimane là e chiunque se ha la curiosità può andare a dargli un'occhiata.


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